When you think of a birthday party, the reference to candles is never far away. Tradition dictates that a certain number of candles should be planted in the birthday cake, depending on the age to be celebrated. For your next birthday party, the pack of 12 light pink birthday candles (14 cm), available from Sparklers Club, will come in handy.
Candles that make a birthday cake sublime
The 12 light pink birthday candles (14 cm) are designed to add an extra aesthetic touch to a birthday cake. Once you've bought the set, choose the number of wax stems to match the number of years you're celebrating. The light pink colour of the candles makes them ideal for creating a cake decoration that evokes early childhood or love. Use this product for a baby's birthday or wedding anniversary. Each candle is 14 cm long, has a candle holder and is easy to place in a cake.